Use of VOACAP for Contact Planning

Suppose you want to make a ham radio contact with a specific location. How do you figure out when is the best time and frequency to make that contact?

One way is VOACAP – the Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program. VOA created this tool to support receipt of their broadcasts, but have also expanded it for HF and ham radio. This can be used, possibly with an Azimuthal map, to aim your antenna correctly at the right times on the right frequencies to get those contacts.

Populate the TX and RX location, and then click “Prop Charts”

The tool will list out the best time of day and frequencies to make that contact most likely. There is also a circular chart (if you click on Prop Wheel) that can be handy to visualize the times/frequencies:

This is another tool in the toolbox for planning HF contacts and finding the right time of day and frequency to use. Now fill in those DX countries you are missing!



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